Affordable Housing, Appropriate Development, and Historic Preservation

The City's proposed Housing Incentive Overlay Zone (HIOZ) is up for review. It identifies sites for over 32,000 new housing units to meet our required 13,209 units over the next 6 years, and with a few other proposed measures, almost doubles Fullerton housing stock. Fewer than 7,500 of these are required to be affordable, and even in the unlikely event that the City mandates that 20% of the new HIOZ units be affordable (6,400), we will still not meet our affordability goals. No, none of these are typos!

Fill the form close to the bottom of this page with your address and phone # to get a lawn/window sign to spread the word

Affordable Housing

Affordable housing is a very complex issue and there are many facets. In Fullerton, the two major players addressing this issue are the City of Fullerton and the  State of California. 

Resources: City of Fullerton

Massive New Upzoning Coming to Fullerton That Still Doesn't Solve the Affordability Crisis
Housing Element Update & Housing Incentive Overlay Zone (HIOZ) Adoption
City Council Vote, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024, 5:30pm
        (Documents will be uploaded here when available late Thursday the 14th)

        The City Council is being asked to adopt a Housing Element and Housing Incentive Overlay Zone Program with Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that allows over 32,000 new housing units and over 96,000 more people in the next 5 years. We applaud the intention of providing affordable housing but this program will neither provide the necessary affordable units nor help retain what is unique about Fullerton's built and natural environments.

        The City Council will hold a public hearing to consider 3 actions: 

        -To certify HIOZ Environmental Impact Report (SCH# 2023090133) as per Alternative 2 (Reduced Sites Alternative)
        -To approve a General Plan (GP) Revision to adopt the Housing Element and related revisions to the Fullerton Plan in Chapter 2.
        -To approve a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the Municipal Code to establish HIOZ standards and identify related parcels on the Zoning Map.

         Even if you don't speak, please attend and/or reach out to your City Council members

Planning Commission Wednesday, Sept 25, 2024, 6:30pm - Item #1 (They voted 3-2 in favor)
The Planning Commission is being asked to recommend that the City Council adopt a Housing Element and Housing Incentive Overlay Zone Program with Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that allows over 32,000 new housing units and over 96,000 more people in the next 5 years. We applaud the intention of providing affordable housing but this program will neither provide the necessary affordable units nor help retain what is unique about Fullerton's built and natural environments.

The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider 3 recommendations to the City Council: 

     -To certify HIOZ Environmental Impact Report (SCH# 2023090133) as per Alternative 2 (Reduced Sites Alternative)  (Attachment 1).
     -To approve a General Plan (GP) Revision to adopt the Housing Element and related revisions to the Fullerton Plan in Chapter 2   (Attachment 2). 
     -To approve a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the Municipal Code to establish HIOZ standards and identify related parcels on the Zoning Map (Attachment 3).

Even if you don't speak, please attend and/or reach out to your Planning Commission members:

Public Hearing Documents (some have been separated into smaller parts for easier download) :

HIOZ Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR):

This list is outdated but is cross referenced to street addresses/ please check against links above:

Californians for Homeownership, Inc. (California Assn. of Realtors) vs. City of Fullerton Lawsuit Documents


General Plan - Current = 2012 "The Fullerton Plan"
      Draft Housing Element (Most important: Chapter 4 [13 pages] and Appendix H-B [5 pages])

General Plan 12 Focus Areas

Housing Game Plan
Housing Game Plan  (City outreach on Housing Element)

Fullerton Upcoming Developments List
HIOZ - Housing Incentive Overlay / Opportunity Zone  Map of Table B-6 and parcel list with street addresses proposed for rezoning to housing
HIOZ - Notice of Preparation – Comments Due October 9, 2023 Religious Institutions Housing  (see pp. HB-6 and HB-7 in the Housing Element above)

Railroad District
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs and JDUs) "Granny Flats"

How To  Preserve Your Historic Home or Neighborhood

You can seek designation for:  
1.       Your house or commercial property alone (National Register, Local Landmark, Conservation or Façade Easement) or  
2.       Another house or commercial property alone (Significant Property [potential local landmark] or Possible Significant Property) or 
3.       Your neighborhood (Landmark District, Potential Landmark District, Preservation Overlay Zone)

Local Landmark Eligibility

1.       Write a letter from one or more property owners in a neighborhood requesting a reclassification to a residential preservation zone
2.       The Director of Development Services will organize a neighborhood meeting to explain preservation zone rules and the public hearing process.
3.       After one or more informational meetings are held, a formal petition may be circulated by interested property owners to solicit support. 4.       If at least 51% of the property owners of the neighborhood sign the petition, the Development Services Department will initiate a zone amendment to consider the request to reclassify the neighborhood to the particular residential preservation zone.
5.       If the rezone process is initiated, a survey will be distributed to all property owners by City staff, followed by public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council.

Comparison of the R1 and R1P Zone Classifications  
Design Guidelines and Additional Development Standards for Residential Preservation Zones  
Misc. Historic Preservation information for Fullerton

Conservation or Façade Easements A conservation or façade easement is a voluntary restriction on the use of your real property that, generally, prevents future real estate development and some potential commercial uses. Since every landowner and every piece of land is unique, a conservation easement is drafted specifically for your property and will vary depending on your current use of the property and your conservation vision for the future. It is executed by means of a recorded deed restriction and an agreement with an entity which will monitor and enforce the easement. In exchange for placing an easement on your land you may be eligible for federal tax benefits. The easement must run with the land in perpetuity and be for conservation purposes, such as to preserve land for open space, outdoor recreation or education of the general public, protect natural habitats for wildlife, or to preserve historic land and structures. For easement resources, call or text 714.729-3019 or e-mail 

Resources:  State of California

RHNA Numbers
ADUs (see also City ADUs, below)
Surplus Land Act  

Contact Us - Let Us Know What You Think!

Resources:  Local and National Organizations

Fullerton Heritage                           (714) 740-3051
Friends for a Livable Fullerton      (714) 729-3019
